
Wendy Elarton

Thoughts and inspiration


July 2010

Never Alone

 Do you remember as a child not wanting to be alone?  We thought that as an adult we would never have those feeling because “big people” could drive and use the phone.  I remember a time when i couldn’t find my mom in the house and i thought for sure the rapture had happened. My heart started  beating really hard. I started praying and running around calling for my mom. Of course she wasn’t very far from my calls and i didn’t feel alone anymore.  There are times as a mom we long for quite and alone times but never plan on it being forever.   yesterday, i was talking with my dear friend Cheryl, she has been planning out a wonderful ministry to mom’s who really are alone raising their children.  As we talked about the Single mom’s spa day, Aug. 7th. she was full of passion to prove to these mom’s that they are not alone.  God is there , just like when i was young and i thought my mom was not there and fear gripped my heart.  We want them to know God is truly there . As we share about our Heavenly Father , I believe they will call to Him and I know He will answer. Putting all fear to rest that He was there all along!!!  Please pray with us for this special time .


  Today we dropped off our youngest to Elijah Camp!! I remember when he was always too young for camp and he would be saying goodbye with us to Gabe and Abby but today we left him all by himself!! My heart and prayer for all 3 of my children is that they will fully follow the Lord in whatever He calls them to. Saying “Goodbye” will be something i will have to get use to!!! God is shaping and molding all of their hearts and learning to let go and trusting God to protect and be their complete Parent!! As i write this emotion is filling my heart and I can’t even see the screen now!! What are you doing Heavenly Father with my heart?  For now i can surrender a week but wow this is hard!! I admire all my dear friends who have been through this and are so full of faith!!! I want to be just like you!! God has us all on many different seasons in life and i am thankful for those who are ahead of me leading in their faith!!  Like Nathan said on the weekend, “our children our not ours to own” they are the Lords’ . I am honored to have them for this time!!! (clearing my eyes) The Kingdom of God needs us to do our best with them so they can go on to bless and lead this world for Jesus!!

Time away with my awesome family!!!

God has created beautiful places to go and enjoy and my family makes it even more enjoyable!! What a fun time we had last week at the beaches. I love to watch the waves hit the sand and then see my kids come out of it covered from burying themselves in it. It never seems to get old doing that. A good book and talking to Nathan about what i read adds to a great time!! Also getting to spend time with both sides of our families!!  I look back with a thankful heart and a restful soul!! Thank-you Jesus!!!!

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