
Hello Everyone

I have been taking in all the Lord has done this past weekend. It has been a beautiful time with sitting here thanking Jesus for His precious sacrifice for us, so we can be free! His truth is so real and many of us will need to continue this week reaching for His truth and pushing back the enemy!

Set time aside with Our Heavenly Father, just like that “Set” chair on the platform this weekend and the open bird cage! We have to remember it is daily desiring to be free and there are things we have to put an effort forth to do! Don’t allow lies to take hold of you today! Press in to the Lord!

If the enemy has already said you have failed, He is a liar and he has failed!! God is right there call out His name and ask Him to fill you today with His presence! Lean in to His thoughts. If your devotions today as you are “setting” seemed not enough. Draw in the fact that God has detail in everything!

Maybe there is some human being in your life today that you feel has made you fail and feel defeated, Stop believing and go to your Savior! Ask Him for truth and insight from Him and then rest in that truth that He sees were you are and will answer.

“Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” Luke 12:7 NIV

Remember the truth today and be free in it! I am praying God continues to move you closer to Him as the lies of the enemy are shattered!